Haruhi Wiki
Kunikida (国木田)
Kunikida cleanup
Age 16-17
Gender Male
Height 166 cm (5'5")
Occupation Student (grade 10-11)
Introduced In The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Last Appearance The Surprise of Haruhi Suzumiya
Voiced by Megumi Matsumoto (JP)
Brianne Siddall (EN)

Kunikida (国木田?) is a quiet student at North High, Class 1-5 and a friend of Taniguchi and Kyon.

Megumi Matsumoto voices Kunikida in the Japanese dub and Brianne Siddall voices him in the English dub.


Kunikida went to Kyon's unnamed middle school (along with Sasaki, Sudou and Okamoto). There he displayed an interest in Western Music and requested it be played in the cafeteria during lunch. He eventually attends North High as well; in The Surprise he tells Kyon that he only chose North High due to his interest in Tsuruya. He falls under the misconception that Kyon likes "weird girls" (mainly because Kyon befriended Sasaki and Haruhi, both of whom could be considered "strange" by others).

Kunikida becomes a guinea pig the for the SOS Brigade's activities such as the baseball game and The Adventures of Mikuru Asahina Episode 00. Kunikida is portrayed as a stereotypical hardworking student, as he is able to explain complex concepts to Taniguchi and he becomes competitive with Sasaki's university test scores only one into his high school. Sasaki is also equally familiar with him.


  • The surname Kunikida means "country" (国) (kuni), "tree, wood" (木) (ki) and "field, rice paddy" (田) (ta/da).


  • Kunikida is considered a very good student.
  • Along with Tsuruya, Kunikida is one of the few normal humans who despite not knowing the true identities of the SOS Brigade is aware that they're not normal, mentioning that he gets inhuman vibes from Yuki Nagato and Mikuru Asahina.

