This page is for the manga, see here for the anime page.
Nyoron Churuya-san
Nyorōn Churuya-san (にょろーん☆ちゅるやさん」) is a four-cell manga series illustrated by Eretto (Utsura Uraraka). It was published in Shonen Ace for the entirety of 2007 and was released in a single volume in 2009.
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Haruhi Suzumiya Manga Volumes
Individual chapters
Volume 3:
Knowing Me, Knowing You , Volume 4:
Mystérique Sign Returns , Volume 5:
A Perspective of Life from Shamisen ,
Get in the Ring , Volume 6:
Show Must Go On ,
Tales From The Thousand Lakes , Volume 7:
The Day of Sagittarius Aftermath , Volume 8:
Parallel Sidestory I: A Sudden Cinderella Sidestory ,
Parallel Sidestory II: Mikurion Dollar Baby , Volume 9:
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya: Epilogue ,
Parallel Sidestory III: The Message from Meiji 38, All Clear Out Here , Volume 11:
Red Data Elegy , Volume 12:
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya ~Another Day~ (
Intrigues prologue), Volume 13:
Welcome to the House of Terror
Official Spinoffs
Official Parodies
Third-Party Anthologies