Yuki Nagato (長門有希) | |
Age | 3-4 (true age), 16-17 (Physically) |
Birthday | November 18 |
Gender | Female |
Height | 154 cm (5' 1") |
Occupation | Student (grade 11) Data Overmind Humanoid Interface |
Introduced In | The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya |
Last Appearance | The Intuition of Haruhi Suzumiya |
Voiced by | Minori Chihara (JP) Michelle Ruff (EN) Jeong-Sin Wu (KR) Laëtitia Godes (FR) Perla Liberatori (IT) Julia Meynen (GR) Monika Pikuła (PL) Yekaterina Savchenko (RU) Marvi Medina (PH) Julia Meynen (DE) |
"I am not referring to the absence of universally accepted personality traits; what I mean is literal, that Haruhi and I are not like other organic lifeforms such as yourself."
―Yuki talking to Kyon
Yuki Nagato (長門 有希 Nagato Yuki) is a main character in the Haruhi Suzumiya franchise (original light novel series, TV anime, and manga). She also appears as the main protagonist of The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan.
Previously a member of the Literary Club, Yuki is the third person to join the SOS Brigade. At first glance, she appears to be an introverted, taciturn bibliophile. She later reveals herself to Kyon as an alien created by the Data Overmind, and possesses supernatural powers as a result. She was sent to North High to watch over Haruhi Suzumiya, and over the course of her time there she comes to develop insights into being a person, as well as emotions (according to Kyon). She plays a major role in The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Yuki is commonly known by her surname Nagato without any honorific (which is not unusual). For example, Kyon calls her "Nagato", as opposed to how he calls Haruhi Suzumiya by her given name (Haruhi) and Mikuru Asahina by her surname with honorific (Asahina-san).
Yuki is voiced by Minori Chihara in the Japanese dub and Michelle Ruff in the English dub.
Yuki Nagato is very short for her "age" compared to the rest of her friends. She has short jagged purple hair which never grows and golden brown eyes. She used to wear glasses but stopped after Kyon told her she looked better without them.
Nagato rarely wears anything beyond her school uniform unless instructed to, even on weekends, though she's been known to wear more casual clothes during vacations (e.g. Remote Island Syndrome, Endless Eight).
When Kyon met Nagato in year -3, she looked exactly the same as "now", except for some qualities of facial expression.
Yuki Nagato is a humanoid interface with the appearance of an ordinary North High student. It is not clear which faction of the Data Overmind she serves, though she has confirmed that she belongs to the "majority" faction and is not a member of a radical one.
Nagato was created with limited social abilities, something she claims will affect her until she ceases functioning. She rarely speaks, often either ignoring attempts to communicate (in Editor in Chief★Straight Ahead!, Itsuki Koizumi feared she would ignore a demand from the Student Council President to visit and so delivered the message himself), or using gestures like nods, staring or pointing, or giving one word replies. Her responsiveness has increased over time, at least when dealing with those she is familiar with. For instance, she ignored Tsuruya's attempts to communicate with her in year 0, but recited poetry with Tsuruya when prompted in The Surprise.
Nagato's voice is always in monotone. Her facial expressions rarely change, and any such changes are minor. Careful observation is required to discern any emotional responses; Kyon is not necessarily correct in his observations. He believes the expressions of her face have changed since their first meeting (from her perspective) in Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody.
As a result, Nagato frequently acts "shy". For instance, she appeared unable to obtain a library card without Kyon's help. When interacting with people outside of the SOS Brigade, she frequently stares at the floor and either gives very short responses or says nothing at all, even if angry. For instance, when asked questions by Tsuruya, she first said nothing, but later responded; she reacted the same way in Live A Live when asked Haruhi's location by schoolmates. Her silent trait extends to interactions with members of the SOS Brigade; when Kyon wanted to throw out her books from the SOS Brigade headquarters in "Love at First Sight", Nagato only stared at him sadly. Nagato has frequently communicated with Itsuki, but only on paranormal or scientific matters. Even when communicating to Mikuru Asahina about a mission in the prologue to The Intrigues, Kyon did most of the talking, and Nagato contributed "footnotes" when explaining something that Kyon forgot or could not understand.

Nagato's self-discovery.
Nagato has shown a strong understanding of human emotions, but has difficulty expressing them due to the limitations of human communication as compared to the straightforward data transfer normal to her kind. She usually says nothing or gives an understated answer, such as "relatively" enjoying books and being "a little bit" disappointed at being rejected. She rarely expresses opinions. She was able to determine why "Michuru" thought her behavior was disturbing when Michiru stayed over at her apartment overnight, also commenting that Michiru's analysis was wrong.
Nagato maintains a surface calm in all situations, however dire. She also behaves in a manner which would please Haruhi (such as telling her that her cooking was "delicious" or setting up a mystery in Mystérique Sign).
Unlike Itsuki and Mikuru, who at least express discomfort with or polite questioning of Haruhi Suzumiya's demands at times, Nagato unwaveringly follows Haruhi's instructions and only participates in events dictated by her. She otherwise demonstrates minimal initiative, extending to her method of decorating her apartment (she didn't before The Disappearance) and her lack of engagement in Literature Club activities, at least in her first year at North High. (In her second year, her attempts at recruiting students involved her describing deficiencies in verbal communication.) This is in spite of her often demonstrated interest in human activities. Nagato is very fond of reading and later developed computer programming as a hobby.
Nagato has a stoic devotion to her mission. She was willing to endure prolonged isolation when watching over Kyon and Mikuru for three years in Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody and made no effort to break free from the time loop of Endless Eight, as her purpose was only to observe. In The Dissociation she stated that she would protect the rest of the SOS Brigade, but Kyon said "having no concern for yourself is behavior I absolutely will not allow."
Nagato poorly conceals her inhuman nature although her normal appearance helps her avoid suspicion. For instance, when referring to someone by name, she always uses their full name. When speaking to someone, she does not use their name, simply referring to them as "you". (This serves to explain, from a literary standpoint at least, why Nagato rarely speaks to anyone other than Kyon when he is present; doing so would often present the need for her to refer to Kyon in the third person, using his thus-far unrevealed full name.) Other humanoid interfaces have not demonstrated this behavior. Kyon even noted that she doesn't blink often (in The Sigh) or simply stares into space.
According to Ryoko Asakura, Nagato taught her to act according to her own will, which she believed had something to do with evolution, and that she and Nagato are more alike than Kimidori.
In The Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya, Nagato is depicted as a closet otaku, shamelessly playing eroge games, cosplaying (even getting into a brief cosplay war with Mikuru), getting "excited" about anime and manga, staying up late playing video games, and even showing emotion, such as laughing at Ryoko's misfortune and being utterly crushed when Ryoko destroys her laptop.
According to Yuki Nagato, she was created three years prior to meeting Kyon and Haruhi, with the purpose of observing humanity and its ability to evolve in intelligence, and more importantly, Haruhi Suzumiya and the data flare that she created around that time. To Nagato, Haruhi is the key to evolution. Nagato is stationed in an apartment complex where several other Humanoid Interfaces are implied to live, in room 708, alone.
Nagato remains in standby mode until "Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody", when a future version of Mikuru and Kyon come to visit her, telling her that they are from three years later and require her assistance to return to their time. After synchronizing with her future self, Nagato confirms them as acquaintances, and puts them in a room for three years, freezing time within in order to help them return. Meanwhile, another future Mikuru and Kyon come, informing her that in three years the world will be altered and that she needs to help them. Knowing that she is the one responsible for changing the world, she gives Mikuru and Kyon the tools needed to change the world back to normal.
Three years later, Nagato attends North High and becomes the only member of the Literature Club. This becomes a selling point for Haruhi, who uses her room for the SOS Brigade. She declares Nagato a member of the Brigade, having come with the room.

Nagato at the library.
Nagato tells Kyon about her identity as an alien, but he does not immediately believe her. During an early SOS Brigade trip, Kyon takes her to the library and gets her a card when she refuses to put down the book she is reading. When Ryoko Asakura tries to kill Kyon in the hopes of observing a reaction from Haruhi, Nagato saves his life, in the process demonstrating to him that she really is an alien, but forgets to repair her glasses. Nagato gives a clue to Kyon about how to get out of the closed space created by Haruhi: "sleeping beauty".
During the filming of "The Adventures of Mikuru Asahina Episode 00", Haruhi causes the Mikuru Beam to become real. Nagato takes a large role in preventing Haruhi noticing by blocking the Mikuru Beam with her hand and injecting nanomachines into Mikuru to prevent it from materializing again.
In "The Day of Sagittarius", Nagato is revealed to have a passion for computers and hacking. Kyon supports her participating in occasional Computer Research Society activities over Haruhi's objections. According to the Computer Research Society's president in The Dissociation of Haruhi Suzumiya, she is very helpful and even creates a new OS that everything is compatible with.
In "Endless Eight", Nagato and the rest of the SOS Brigade are put in a time loop in which they are forced to repeat two weeks of summer vacation. She participates in various activities which include going swimming, going to O-bon festival, playing with fireworks, and bug hunting. However, by the end of the loops, Kyon becomes plagued by an increasing sense of deja vu as the activities continue. Mikuru calls Kyon in a panicked state, asking him to meet her outside the station. Kyon meets up with her, Nagato and Itsuki to find that he has been experiencing an endless loop of events from the 17th of August through to the 31st. When time reaches the end of August 31, time resets and every ones memories are erased, apart from those closest to Haruhi who although having there memories erased have vague memories of all the previous loops. However, Nagato does not have any of her memories erased of previous loops. This constant relooping of time is caused by Haruhi not wanting summer vacation to end because she feels there are things she still wants to do. At the end of the 15,532nd loop of summer vacation, Haruhi closes up the summer activities, and Kyon suffers the most intense moment of déjà vu yet, and says he needs to say something to prevent the loop from continuing. Just as Haruhi is about to walk out the door, Kyon shouts for her to wait. When she walks back in, Kyon says that he needs to finish his homework. He tells all the members to meet at his place to do their homework together. Haruhi berates Kyon for giving orders without asking her permission first, but wishes to join them in doing homework together. With Haruhi satisfied, Kyon successfully ends the loop.
The Disappearance Arc

Nagato during the Disappearance.
Nagato's most prominent moment is in The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, in which due to errors Nagato steals Haruhi's powers to alter the universe so that there are no paranormal beings. As a consequence, Haruhi and Itsuki do not attend North High, Ryoko is not transferred, and there is no SOS Brigade. Kyon notices a stark difference in her actions up until that point, mainly because Nagato had been anticipating this would happen and was unable to prevent it. In the altered world, Nagato is a shy, introverted girl. In order to ensure her safety as a vulnerable human, Nagato also altered Ryoko to be her loyal defender, protecting her from both physical and emotional threats by any means necessary. As she still lives alone, she rarely gets the will to eat and Ryoko must act as a concerned neighbor and bring her food. Nagato takes an interest in Kyon. She invites him to join the Literature Club and gets him to stay for dinner.
Kyon activates an escape program, sending him back to see Nagato three years previously. He and Mikuru (big) meet at her place, where they discuss the incident. Nagato attempts to synchronize with her future self but fails, but is given a message - it was her that had altered the world in the future. Unable to leave due to the need to keep the "other" Kyon and Mikuru frozen in time, Nagato gives Kyon a device to inject her human self right after the world is transformed. She injects them with protective nanites and programs Mikuru's TPDD. They arrive and witness Nagato changing the world. Kyon advances on the human Nagato and attempts to inject her. Ryoko defends Nagato, stabbing him with a knife. Another version of Nagato, Mikuru and Kyon arrive from the future to change the world back to normal. In the restored world, Kyon falls down a flight of stairs and goes into a coma. Haruhi saw a girl push him down the stairs; Itsuki later hypothesizes that the girl was an apparition of Nagato, who Haruhi intuitively recognizes as being responsible for Kyon's coma due to her reality-altering.
Kyon awakes three days later. The Data Overmind considers removing Nagato from Earth due to the danger her instability poses. Kyon threatens to have Haruhi turn her power against the Overmind if Nagato is taken away. He interprets her "errors" as emotions.
The Aftermath
Afterward, Nagato places a limit on some of her abilities, such as synchronization. In "Love at First Sight", one of Kyon's middle school classmates, Nakagawa, makes a love confession to Nagato and asks her to marry him in ten years. Nagato declines, declaring that her self-control mechanism will be unable to be stable after ten years, but remains curious about Nakagawa. As it turns out, Nakagawa did not see Nagato but instead the Data Overmind. Nagato removes Nakagawa's ability to see the Entity. When Kyon asks if it was a pity that his love for her was based on a misconception, Nagato replies that it was, "a little bit".
In "Snow Mountain Syndrome", the Sky Canopy Dominion attempts to communicate with Nagato by creating an alternate dimension with a snow storm and interfering with her ability to connect to the Entity. They cause Nagato to fall into a fever. Nagato creates a program with an ambiguous answer that eventually releases the Brigade.
In the prologue to The Intrigues of Haruhi Suzumiya, Kyon and Mikuru (small) meet with Nagato in order to resolve the time loop situation from the end of The Disappearance.
In The Intrigues, Nagato makes chocolates for Kyon and Itsuki along with the other girls. Nagato helps Kyon and Mikuru fill out their missions set by the older Mikuru, and receives a letter from the older Mikuru. She reveals that she has blocked out her ability to transfer her consciousness through time, and thus believes she is more "free" in this sense (although Kyon senses she is depressed from "knowing too much"). In "Editor in Chief★Straight Ahead!", Nagato writes a cryptic horror prose that implies confusion about her meaning in the world. In "Wandering Shadow", Nagato detects the presence of silicon data lifeforms in neighborhood dogs and transplants them safely into Shamisen.
At the beginning of her second year at North High (The Dissociation of Haruhi Suzumiya), Nagato invites new students to her Literature Club with a speech called "Neurological studies on the incomplete transmission of information and feelings through words" but fails to invite any new members. She meets Kuyou Suou and has a silent but seemingly angry confrontation with her.
α Line
On Monday, Kyon meets Nagato in the SOS HQ at lunchtime. He asks about Kuyou Suou, learning that her faction had orchestrated the Snow Mountain Syndrome, and that she was interested in Haruhi Suzumiya but that wasn't necessarily her primary purpose. The Data Overmind has chosen a new provisional name for the Macrospatial Quantum Cosmic Existence, the Sky Canopy Dominion. Attaching names is a new concept and progress.
On Friday, Kyon receives a note from Watahashi, but is worried it is a trap, because of how he was nearly killed by Ryoko Asakura. He asks Nagato about Yasumi Watahashi. She tells him he should go to the meeting, and theorizes that Watahashi will assist him in some manner.
β Line
By Saturday evening, Nagato is suffering from an illness due to her inability to establish communication with Kuyou Suou. Her various responsibilities are taken over by Ryoko Asakura and Emiri Kimidori.
Nagato's illness
In The Surprise of Haruhi Suzumiya, the SOS Brigade visits her at her house. Haruhi plans to take the SOS Brigade to visit Nagato every day after school. Meanwhile, a furious Kyon contacts Sasaki in an effort to deal with the situation. Haruhi becomes deeply worried about her illness and by Thursday wants to take her to a hospital.
Combined Timeline
Following the confrontation, Nagato is removed from her post facilitating communication between the Data Overmind and Sky Canopy Domain as the level of communication that could be sustained was insufficient. Nagato's new task was to observe Haruhi Suzumiya and Kuyou Suou.

Nagato protecting Kyon
Yuki Nagato has special powers being a humanoid interface.
Physical powers
Nagato has displayed superhuman strength, agility, and stamina.
Nagato has displayed unusual minor abilities, such as holding her breath for a very long time, not suffering sunburn despite her very pale skin, and being immune to the effects of alcohol. Like most non-human living beings, she is not susceptible to human diseases.
Nagato's reaction time is fast enough for her to repeatedly block several laser beams from Mikuru's "Mikuru Beam" attack.
Nagato seems to have "odd" food requirements. Sometimes she eats at normal speed (such as during The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya), but later she often ate at rapid speed (seen in Lone Island Syndrome). Kyon became so used to this he became worried when Nagato ate slowly in Snow Mountain Syndrome. In The Intrigues she ate a triple-sized portion of food during a regular meal.
Sensory powers
Nagato has very keen eyesight, and her glasses seem to have been props, since she stopped wearing them after Kyon complimented her on how she looked without glasses. She can discern body temperature, detect directions, sense laser beams and subatomic particles and even determine their mass. She can sense other data organisms and all manners of strange phenomena, but the ability is not infallible. (For instance, she could not immediately determine that a pair of dogs had been infected with a data parasite, and took time to determine that Nakagawa was an esper.)
Nagato could "scan" a highly advanced computer which contained information about time travel.
Mental abilities
As shown in Live Alive, Nagato seems to be able to memorize a piece of music by looking at it once. In the same episode she is also able to play the guitar without any problems. As shown in Endless Eight, Yuki Nagato has the ability to remember things that are supposed to be erased by being a part of the Data Overmind.
Nagato could "intuit" data she had collected from a damaged advanced computer.
In the anime, she seemingly has difficulties with some manmade tools, such as computer mice and rifles. She demonstrated difficulty in drawing pictures of faces in Snow Mountain Syndrome.
Nagato's multitasking abilities gave her a great advantage when playing Saggitarius III. She was able to control 20 groups while countering a hack attempt simultaneously.
Data powers

Nagato mutters an incantation
As a humanoid interface, Nagato has numerous powers, seemingly enhanced when in a space under data jurisdiction. Many but not all of her powers require her to use "incantations" (in which she speaks a computer language very quickly) or arm movements (in The Disappearance).
In the first light novel, this speech was translated as Structured Query Language (SQL):
"SELECT serial_code
FROM database
WHERE code='data'
ORDER BY aggressive_combat_data
HAVING terminate_mode"
In the anime, her incantations sound like she is speaking backwards quickly.
Nagato can manipulate "chance", such as determining who takes the "long straw", as demonstrated in The Intrigues.
Nagato can manipulate the properties of the environment, such as when she modified a baseball bat to only hit home runs, modified a baseball's movements, or destroyed a section of fence. Kyon refers to this as "bogus magic". She can modify some of her own properties (such as her weight/mass, which Kyon noticed when taking her and Haruhi on a bike ride during Endless Eight).
Nagato appears to have the ability to teleport, which she demonstrated in the The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya when breaking into space under data jurisdiction. However, like all non-espers she could not enter Haruhi's closed space. She used a similar ability in the running contest in The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya. The way she described her ability to Kyon made it seem like teleportation, but she still performed worse than Haruhi Suzumiya in the contest. She later used a similar ability to escape an irate person (while the rest of the Brigade had to run). In Mystérique Sign she used a similar ability to enter a data organism's dimension.
Nagato can use her abilities to reconstruct her body. This appears to be an active process, and she has not used the ability while using other data abilities (she put her repair request in queue). Nagato once healed Mikuru from a knockout poison.
Nagato can transmit data via electronic devices, even ones in closed space. She was able to program Mikuru's TPDD through touch.
Nagato can create a barrier which renders people invisible and inaudible. Nagato had to dissolve the barrier to take action.
She may be able to alter computers with her abilities, having created a "do-it-yourself" computer for the Computer Research Society using an operating system that is compatible with everything, but has an unreadable source code. She can also use her "magic touch" to fix software bugs.
She can communicate with the Data Overmind in order to gain information and permission to use otherwise forbidden techniques (such as nullifying Asakura's data link). Sometimes the entity will not give her the information she seeks, however.
Nagato was able to transfer some of her autonomous judgment capabilities to Emiri Kimidori when she fell ill in The Surprise of Haruhi Suzumiya.
She can modify human memories, an ability she revealed in The Disappearance, when she told Kyon that if he'd known what she was going to do, she would have removed his memories.
In Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody, Nagato "froze" time in a room for three years, explaining that this ability could only be used in an emergency. She later stated (in The Disappearance) that she could not leave it unattended while it was in this state. She also confirmed that she could not initiate time travel.

Asakura dissolved by Nagato
Nagato used "dissolution factors" as an attack form to "dissolve" Asakura. The first time, they were fighting in data jurisdiction space, the second time she erased Asakura in The Intrigues.
Nagato can alter the weather, revealed in The Boredom of Haruhi Suzumiya when Kyon asked her to make it rain. She was reluctant to do so, however, as that would alter the weather patterns for a long time thereafter.

Nagato fights a data organism with a repulsion field
Nagato once entered another interface's data jurisdiction space, repairing it from the damage. Another time she used an "incantation" to enter similar space created by a more primitive data organism, which bore some similarity to both data jurisdiction and closed space. In the anime version of Mystérique Sign, Nagato demonstrated the ability to create a repulsion field which damaged (but did not destroy) that organism. (That space was automatically repaired when the organism was defeated.)
In a data jurisdiction space, she was able to create "icicles" from the surrounding structure and use them to attack an enemy. She could use this ability in "reverse" to counter Ryoko Asakura's similar attacks.
Nagato has shown the ability to manipulate data links, enabling her to destroy or manipulate data-based organisms.
Item powers

Nagato inserts nanomachines
In The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya, Nagato injected nanomachines into Mikuru via bite to prevent her from using the Mikuru Beam. In The Disappearance, she also injected Kyon with a stealth operation screen and a protective field to protect him from hazardous effects of time travel.

Nagato transforms her glasses
In The Disappearance, Nagato transformed her glasses into an injection system, which she referred to as "compounding".
Nagato has displayed at least limited precognition. In the anime version of Live Alive she gave a long series of seemingly accurate (but mundane) predictions.
Until the Disappearance arc, Nagato has the ability to transport her consciousness through time by "synchronization"; however, she herself blocks this off after the arc in order to prevent errors and give her more options for the future. In The Intrigues she revealed that she had given up the ability.
Other versions
Alternate Yuki

Alternate Yuki
In the altered world that she created in The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya by stealing Haruhi Suzumiya's powers, Nagato is a shy, introverted girl. In order to ensure her safety as a vulnerable human, Nagato also altered Ryouko Asakura to be her loyal defender, protecting her from both physical and emotional threats by any means necessary. As she still lives alone, she rarely gets the will to eat and Ryoko must act as a concerned neighbor and bring her food. Nagato takes an interest in Kyon. She invites him to join the Literature Club and gets him to stay for dinner.
Kyon activates an escape program, sending him back to see Nagato three years previously. He and Mikuru (big) meet at her place, where they discuss the incident. Nagato attempts to synchronize with her future self but fails, but is given a message - it was her that had altered the world in the future. Unable to leave due to the need to keep the "other" Kyon and Mikuru frozen in time, Nagato gives Kyon a device to inject her human self right after the world is transformed. She injects them with protective nanites and programs Mikuru's TPDD. They arrive and witness Nagato changing the world. Kyon advances on the human Nagato and attempts to inject her. Ryoko defends Nagato, stabbing him with a knife. Another version of Nagato, Mikuru and Kyon arrive from the future to change the world back to normal.

Haruhi-chan Suzumiya
Nagato retains much of her original personality in The Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya, her chibi form is generally the same. Throughout the series she and the SOS Brigade get placed in humorous situations. She plays eroge.
Nagato Yuki-chan

Nagato as she appears in The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan
Nagato is also the main character of official spin-off manga and anime, The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki chan. Her appearance in this spinoff is based on the alternate Nagato from The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya. However, her personality is completely different; where the alternate Nagato is quiet and bookish, this Nagato is highly accident-prone and tends to scream in alarm at even minor mishaps. Her love of books is also completely eliminated (in "Someday in the Rain" Kyon goes so far as to say she has never shown the least interest in books), though she inexplicably is still the president of the Literature Club and develops a crush on Kyon due to his helping her get a library card. The series largely focuses on her struggle to confess her feelings to Kyon.

Nagato and Haruhi
She idolizes Haruhi Suzumiya, admiring her confidence and sense of personal pride, which inspired her to recruit members for the Literature Club. Haruhi sometimes exploits Nagato's trust and submissiveness, but also holds a genuine affection for her. Nagato also has a childlike dependence on Ryouko Asakura for her physical and emotional needs. Ryouko objects to Nagato regarding her as a mother-figure or teacher, but nonetheless involves herself in virtually every aspect of Nagato's life, fearing that she will unable to cope without her protection and instruction. Unlike both the original universe and the altered timeline from The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, she attends Class 1-5 with Asakura and Kyon.
Instead of books, this Nagato's obsession is with portable video games. She often ends up staying up all night playing them, and even shuns interactions with Kyon when she is in the middle of a game. Her obsession seemingly does not translate into skill, as she is soundly outmatched by both Suzumiya and Kyon's sister when she plays against them in "I Cannot Let Summer Break End".
While she appears to be human, Nagato still possesses incredible intellect and sometimes seems to think like a computer. After getting injured in a car accident, she temporarily develops an alternate personality which behaves as her original self from the main series.
Relationships with SOS Brigade members
Haruhi Suzumiya

Yuki and Haruhi
Early in the series Yuki and Haruhi are largely indifferent to each other. Yuki simply behaves around Haruhi in accordance with her mission, always following Haruhi's orders without question and giving her full access to Literary Club resources and funds.
In The Intrigues of Haruhi Suzumiya, however, Kyon notes that Yuki seems touched by Haruhi's declaration that "The SOS Brigade's doors are open to all, even non-humans!" Haruhi increasingly demonstrates a fierce protectiveness towards Nagato, and gets up early on school days to take care of her when she is sick in The Surprise of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Yuki and Kyon
Yuki treats Kyon as a superior figure, even naively following his "orders" (such as, during Mystérique Sign, she misinterpreted something he said and "froze" in place until he told her she could move), and asked his permission to perform hacking during "The Day of Sagittarius III" competition.
Over time, Nagato became more willing to communicate with Kyon. In The Melancholy she stared at Kyon and Mikuru playing Othello until Kyon invited her to play, but by The Intrigues she was willing to ask him favors (such as not talking to her alternate variant). That Nagato is not native to Earth is a fairly closely held secret, so Kyon functions as a native guide who is not beholden to one of the other two factions around Haruhi.
Nagato sees protecting him and Haruhi as her primary mission. In The Melancholy, Nagato said she personally wishes for Kyon and Haruhi to return. She also promises she will protect Kyon from any Human Interfaces should they attack him like Asakura did.
Nagato has become somewhat more independent of Kyon as the light novel series continued. For instance, in The Intrigues of Haruhi Suzumiya she refused to tell him what Haruhi's surprise was, and in Editor in Chief★Straight Ahead! she would not let him see the story she was writing.
Kyon, in turn, has occasionally taken Nagato for granted, such as not going to the library with her when she asked him to in The Melancholy and several times inviting and then "dumping" her in The Intrigues. (He did so a second time, even after apologizing.)
Mikuru Asahina
Mikuru is intimidated by Yuki so they aren't close and rarely talk. The older Mikuru seems to still have such problems.
In The Intrigues of Haruhi Suzumiya Nagato occasionally spoke politely to Mikuru (e.g. telling her not to do dishes, as she was a guest) and spent a night staring at her. Mikuru told Kyon that Nagato wanted to be more like her, but Nagato has denied this. Mikuru also noted that Nagato was upset about Kyon not staying with her in the library, and told Kyon to apologize.
Itsuki Koizumi
Nagato is not shown to ever have opinions of Itsuki beyond what the Data Overmind believes. She communicates with him about theories or queries, but they never have real conversations in front of Kyon. However, he suspects the two of them of having deeper interactions outside his notice; in "The Adventures of Mikuru Asahina Episode 00" he believes their ad-libbed dialogue to be an encoded negotiation between them, and interprets one of her short stories in "Editor in Chief★Straight Ahead!" as being about her relationship with Itsuki. Itsuki is the only person who understands her when she gives a complicated answer; she has to simplify things for Kyon and Mikuru. Itsuki complained that she never responded to his inquiries about her powers, and he had to gain information from other TFEIs instead (who, in turn, tell his 'Agency' very little).
Itsuki has occasionally supported Nagato in various activities, such as suggesting he would help her find hobbies beyond reading (Mystérique Sign short story) and supporting Kyon when he gave Nagato permission to visit the Computer Society (politely put over Suzumiya's objections).
Also, in the light novels (Mystérique Sign), Kyon thought that Itsuki and she made a good combination, and if they went out for walks together, that would make them good.
The manga version occasionally hints at a romance between Nagato and Itsuki. For instance, in the light novel The Intrigues of Haruhi Suzumiya, when Kyon mentions that Itsuki was very supportive of her during "Snowy Mountain Syndrome", this prompts a discussion of who was behind the SOS Brigade's trials in that story. In the manga version Nagato is instead reduced to silence by Kyon's statement, prompting Kyon and Mikuru to exchange knowing grins. (The discussion of "Snowy Mountain Syndrome" still takes place in the manga, but not until the following chapter, presumably due to length restrictions.)
Yuki Nagato's 100 Books
- (JP) Japanese books
- (I) Koizumi Itsuki's choice
- (Y) Nagato Yuki's choice
Non-Japanese books Section
- 1. The Greek Coffin Mystery by Ellery Queen
- 2. Endymion by Dan Simmons[note 1]
- 11. Best SF Collection Vol.12 (The Puppet Masters, The Door into Summer) by Robert A. Heinlein
- 15. (Y) Collision with Chronos (Collision Course) by Barrington John Bayley
- 16. The Three Coffins by John Dickson Carr
- 18. (Y) Permutation City by Greg Egan
- 19. (Y) The Terminal Experiment by Robert J. Sawyer
- 21. Phenomenology of Spirit by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel[note 2]
- 22. The Murder of My Aunt by Richard Hull
- 24. (I) The Red House Mystery by Alan Alexander Milne
- 28. The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography by Simon Singh[note 3]
- 29. The Dumarest Series by Edwin Charles Tubb
- 32. The History of Magic by Eliphas Levi
- 36. Pao-pu Tzu (The Philosopher Who Embraces Simplicity) by Ko Hung
- 38. Psychic Self-Defense by Dion Fortune
- 40. The Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov
- 41.(Y) The Book of the Law by Aleister Crowley
- 42. Iliad by Homer
- 43. The Complete works of HP Lovecraft by HP Lovecraft
- 44. The Bishop Murder Case by SS van Dine
- 45. The Woman in the Wardrobe by Peter Antony[note 4]
- 46. Malice Aforethought by Francis Iles
- 50.(I) The Uplift War by David Brin
- 51.(Y) Tau Zero by Poul Anderson
- 53. Dictionary of Symbols and Imagery by Ad de Vries
- 55. The Book of Damned by Charles Fort
- 56. The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham
- 57. The Body Snatchers by Jack Finney
- 60. In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust
- 61. The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky
- 63.(I) Thinking of the Earth from Mars by T. Flowing (unknown book)
- 66. The Case of the Restless Redhead by Erle Stanley Gardner
- 67.(I) The Innocence Of Father Brown by Gilbert Keith Chesterton
- 69. Hothouse (The Long Afternoon of Earth) by Brian Wilson Aldiss
- 70. (Y) Ringworld by Larry Niven
- 71. Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
- 72. (Y) The Starry Rift by James Tiptree Jr.
- 74. (I) Top Storey Murder(Top Story Murder) by Anthony Berkeley Cox
- 77. The Viaduct Murder by Ronald Arbuthnott Knox
- 80. The HOG Murders by William Louis DeAndrea
- 84. Darkover Anthologies by Marion Zimmer Bradley
- 85. ---- by -- (written in decipherable language)
- 89. The Prince of Darkness: Radical Evil and the Power of Good in History by Jeffrey Burton Russell
- 91. Felidae by Akif Pirincci
- 92. Tiger! Tiger! by Alfred Bester
- 94. The Fifth Sally by Daniel Keyes
- 95. The Red and the Black by Stendhal
- 97. (Y) Inherit the Stars by James Patrick Hogan
- 100. -- by - (written in decipherable language)
- 2001: A Space Odyssey[note 5]
- Mathematicians, Artists, Musicians, and their Interrelations or possibly Godel, Escher, Bach, an Eternal Golden Braid or a mathematician's biography[note 6]
- Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Murakami Haruki[note 7]
Japanese books section
- 3.(JP) Ouroboros no Gisho by Kenji Takemoto
- 4.(JP)(I) Soutou no Akuma by Arisu Arisugawa
- 5.(JP) Mouryou no Hako by Natsuhiko Kyougoku
- 6.(JP) Nukarundekara by Tetsuya Sato
- 7.(JP)(I) Crape o Nido Kueba by Tori.Miki
- 8.(JP) Tasogare by Rintaro Norizuki
- 9.(JP)(I) Natsu to Fuyu no Sonata by Yutaka Maya
- 10.(JP)(Y) Yuuyo no Tsuki by Chouhei Kanbayashi
- 12.(JP) Babring Souseiki by Yasutaka Tsutsui
- 13.(JP) Kanpon Kokui Densetsu by Ken Asamatsu
- 14.(JP) Pascale no Hana wa Nagakatta by Hajime Komine
- 17.(JP) Alien Youzanki by Hideyuki Kikuchi
- 20.(JP) Fukkatsusai no Tame no Requiem by Chihiro Arai
- 23.(JP) The Philosophy of Godel by Shouichirou Takahashi
- 25.(JP)(I) Jukkakukan no Satsujin by Yukito Ayatsuji
- 26.(JP)(I) Vinus no Meidai by Takeshi Maki
- 27.(JP)(Y) Gohyakukounen by Jin Kusagami
- 30.(JP) Meitantei no Okite by Keigo Higashino
- 31.(JP) Yugen to Bishou no Pan by Hiroshi Mori
- 33.(JP)(*3) Oedipus Shoukougun by Kiyoshi Kasai[note 8]
- 34.(JP)(I) Dance Dance Dance by Haruki Murakami
- 35.(JP)(Y) Joker by Ryuusui Seiryouin
- 37.(JP)(Y) Satsujin Kigeki no 13-nin by Taku Ashibe
- 39.(JP)(I) Mousou Shizen Kagaku Nyuumon by Suzune Kikukawa
- 47.(JP) Tondemo-bon no Sekai by Togakkai
- 48.(JP) Gadara no Buta by Ramo Nakajima
- 49.(JP) Akuryou no Yakata by Reito Nikaidou
- 52.(JP) Tsuki ni Yobarete Umi yori Kitaru by Baku Yumemakura
- 54.(JP) Tsubakihime o Mimasenka by Masahiro Mori
- 58.(JP) Dead Soldier's Live by Masaki Yamada
- 59.(JP) Kurayami no Naka de Kodomo The Childish Darkness by Outarou Maijou
- 62.(JP) KiriKiriJin by Hisashi Inoue
- 64.(JP) Kyuuketsuki Denshou Ikeru Shitai no Minzokugaku by Eiichirou Hiraga
- 65.(JP) Alien Deka by Mariko Oohara
- 68.(JP) Shouwa Kayou Daizenshuu by Ryu Murakami
- 73.(JP)(I) Kisou, Ten o Ugokasu by Souji Shimada
- 75.(JP) Yume no Ki ga Tsugetanara by Hiroyuki Morioka
- 76.(JP) Stardust City by Yuuichi Sasamoto
- 78.(JP) Kane nara Kaesen! by Yutaka Ookawa
- 79.(JP) Umi o miru Hito by Yasumi Kobayashi
- 81.(JP)(I) Shikou suru Monogatari SF no Genri, Rekishi, Shudai by Katsuhito Morishita
- 82.(JP) Dogra Magra by Kyuusaku Yumeno
- 83.(JP)(Y) Tasogare ni Kaeru by Ryu Mitsuse
- 86.(JP)(I) Shounen Esper Sentai by Aritsune Toyoda
- 87.(JP) Eccentrics by Sakumi Yoshino
- 88.(JP) Taiyou no Sandatsusha by Housuke Nojiri
- 90.(JP)(I) Sokonuke Choutaisaku by Eiga Hihou Henshuubu
- 93.(JP) Third Contact by Kazuo Kobayashi
- 96.(JP) Mozu no Sakebu Yoru by Gou Ousaka
- 98.(JP) Dekirukana Returns by Rieko Saibara
- 99.(JP)(I) Umi ga Kikoeru by Saeko Himuro
- Mahjong Hourouki 1 Seishun-hen by Tetsuya Asada
- Hadae no Shita by Chouhei Kanbayashi
Nagato stars in two CDs, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Character Song Vol. 2 Yuki Nagato and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya New Character Song Vol. 2 Yuki Nagato, featuring Yuki, Muon, Madobe Nite, SELECT?, under "Mebius" and MUSICA of the Passage Point.
- The name Yuki means "exist" (有) (yu) and "hope" (希) (ki).
- Yuki has several parallels to Rei Ayanami of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Both characters are depicted as being generally silent, emotionless, and unsociable. Their names are also similar: "Nagato" means "snow" in Japanese (also "joy" or "rare"), while "Rei" may be read as "ice". "Nagato" and "Ayanami" were also names of Japanese warships in World War II; the former being a battleship, and the latter a destroyer. Rei Ayanami is popular enough to have a series of "clones", some of which may have been influenced by Nagato.
- Nagato's surname Nagato means "long, chief, boss" (長) (naga) and "gate" (門) (to), which is a possible reference to her relationship to the Data Overmind.
- A running gag in The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan is whenever a party or something else for which Nagato has put in considerable effort is about to happen Asakura will tell her not to play games and go to sleep. The next day Asakura comes in to find she stayed up all night playing games and yells at her.
- Nagato entered Saimoe Contests where she was the runner-up for ISML 2008. Her results can be seen here.
- In The Surprise of Haruhi Suzumiya light novel, Tsuruya used the nickname Nagatocchi for Nagato.
- In Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai, there is a character named "Nagata Yukiko" who appears as a character in a dating sim video game that Sena Kashiwazaki plays in Episode 2.
- She physically resembles Nagato and likes reading books.
- Main article: Yuki Nagato/Gallery
Reference Notes
- ↑ Endymion is the third book in the Hyperion series. Yuki is seen reading the second book The Fall of Hyperion in episode 2 of the anime, and she lends the first book of Hyperion to Kyon.
- ↑ Yuki is seen reading this book at the library in episode 5.
- ↑ Yuki is seen reading this book in episode 3.
- ↑ Yuki is seen reading this book in episode 6.
- ↑ Yuki is seen reading this book in The Day of Sagittarius
- ↑ Yuki is seen reading this book in The Dissociation of Haruhi Suzumiya
- ↑ Yuki is seen reading this book in The Disappearance film
- ↑ Yuki is seen reading this book in episode 4.